Kamis, 09 Juni 2016


Non Destructive Testing
Section A
Visual Inspection
1.       A …………………………….. is an optical device that allows us to see inside an engine without disassembling it.

2.       The …………………………. Bore scope uses a bundle of optical glass fibers.

3.       A ……………….. ………………….. uses a CRT for imaging and the image can be recorded for reference.

4.       Liquid penetrant inspection may be use to detect discontinuities that are …………………………………. (open to or below) the surface.

5.       Penetrant inspection is based on the principle of ………………………….. attraction.

6.       A fault located with the fluorescent penetrant method will show up as a …………… (red or green ) line.

7.       Parts which are to be inspected using liquid penetrants ………………………… (should or Should not) be cleaned with an abrasive blast.

8.       The time the penetrant remains on the part is known as the ……………….. time.

9.       There are three types of penetrant inspection. They are :

10.   Three types of developers that may be used with the liquid penetrant inspection method are :

11.   The two methods of testing by magnetic particle inspection are :

12.   Magnetic particle inspection may be used on ………………….  Metal parts.

13.   The magnetism that remains in a material after magnetizing force is removed is known as ……………… magnetism.

14.   The ability of a material to retain magnetism after the magnetizing force is removed is called ……………………

15.   The ease with which a material can conduct tic lines of magnetic flux is called its ………………

16.   When magnetizing a part for magnetic particle inspection, it must be magnetized in such a way that the lines  of flux area ……………………… (parallel or perpendicular) to the suspected fault.

17.   Two methods of magnetizing for magnetic particle inspection are ………………….. and …………………

18.   When a part is placed between the heads of the magnetizing machine  and current flows though the specimen, the part is magnetized by the ………………………………. Method.

19.   When a part is placed in a coil through which the magnetizing current flows, the part is magnetized by the ……………………….. method.

20.   The magnetic strength of piece of material is ………………………….. (strongest or weakest) at its surface.

21.   The three types of electrical current that may be used to magnetize a part for inspection are :

22.   AC magnetization is best suited foe locating ……………………….. (surface or sub-surface) faults.

23.   Two important characteristics of the testing medium used for magnetic particle inspection are :

24.   After the part has been inspecting using the magnetic particle inspection method it must be …………………….. before returning it to service.

Section B

Electronic Inspection

1.       The four  properties of a metal that makes Eddy current inspection possible are :

2.       What are the two methods of inspection that utilize Eddy current principles?

3.       Ultrasonic waves that are used for nondestructive inspection  vary in frequency from ……………………… kilo hertz to ………………………megahertz.

4.       A …………………………. Material is one that will produce  an electrical potential when it is pressed, bend, or otherwise distorted.

5.       The three of waves that can introduced into a  test specimen when using ultrasonic inspection are :

6.       The two types of radiation energy (rays) used for radiographic inspection  are:

7.       The ……………………… (voltage or current)supplied to the anode of an X ray tube determines the in energy of an X-ray.

8.       The ……………………  (voltage or current) supplied to the cathode  of an X ray tube determines the in intensity of an X-ray.

9.       Gamma rays are produced by the disintegration of certain …………………………………..

10.   The factors that determine the proper exposure for radiographic inspection include, but are not limited to :

11.   The image formed on the photographic film by either X-rays or Gamma rays is a ………………………. (positive or negative) representation of the specimen being inspected.

12.   Persons working around X-ray or Gamma-ray equipment should wear ………………………. Film badges.

Section 11 A
1.       Boroscope
2.       Fiberoptic
3.       Vedio Scope
4.       Open to
5.       Capillary
6.       Green
7.       Should not
8.       Dwell
9.       a, Water       b. Post-emulsified           c.  Solvent-removable.
10.   A. Dry            b. Wet  c. Non aqueous
11.   A. Continuous           b. residual
12.   Ferrous
13.   Residual
14.   Retentivity
15.   Permeability
16.   Perpendicular
17.   a. Lonmgitudinal       b.circular
18.   Circular
19.   Longitudinal
20.   Strongest
21.   a, alternating current             b, direct current               c.  Half-wave rectified current
22.   Surface
23.   a. High          b.  low
24.   Demagnetized

Section B
1.       a. Conductivity    b.  Permeability              c. Mass      d.  Presence of faults
2.       a. Absolute           b.  comparison
3.       200, 25
4.       Piezoelectric
5.       a.  Longitudinal     b.  Transverse                c.   surface
6.       a. X-ray                 b.  Gamma ray
7.       Voltage
8.       Current
9.       Isptopes
10.   a. Material thickness and density              b.  Shape and size of the object
c.  Type of defect to be detected               d.  Characteristics of the equipment used
e.  Exposure distance                                     f.   Exposure angle
g.  Film characteristics                                    h.  Types of intensifying screen, if used
11.   Negative
12.   Monitoring